Whilst I think a 90 minute cut would make this practically perfect, there is no denying transformative powers of star Conrad Veidt and director Paul Leni, who both unfortunately died before they could find major success in the talkies.
There is a lack of creativity in poster design today. In terms of the mainstream studio movies especially, there is very little variation. Popular tropes that we see movie posters constantly imitating today include the “half face” poster, often reserved for dramas or anything with a tone that can be described as “gritty”. Or the approach of any self titled blockbuster, from Marvel to the depressing revival of long dead franchises, which is to simply throw the entire cast [...]
As of a couple of months ago, I didn’t know who Robert Newton was. During the over 100 years of cinema history at this point, there have been thousands of actors, male and female, that have come and gone. Whilst the most popular lead actors of yesteryear may have a place in our modern popular […]
Eureka Entertainment has released an intrinsically interesting documentary about a subject matter unjustly unexplored. Suchsland knows how to compose a documentary and Hitler's Hollywood is certainly a focused piece of work
Of all the classic Universal Monster movies, The Invisible Man seems to be the most unknown, living in the impeccable shadow of its brothers Dracula, Frankenstein and The Wolf Man. This may be because The Invisible Man by definition, isn’t a monster, but a insane scientist made invisible by his own experiments. There is nothing […]